Friday 10 May 2013

PIPER'S SURGERY, by Piper's mom

Piper had an ultrasound yesterday which showed some inflammation and loopiness in her intestines, plus a possible blockage in her stomach.  The internist gave me the following choices of treatment:

1) Keep Piper under observation at the clinic, giving her IV fluids, and wait to see if things would improve.

2) Do an endoscopy to try to figure out what was happening in the stomach.  This might or might not show the true state of affairs, and it might have to be followed up by surgery.

3)  Operate to look at everything and remove anything that was creating a blockage.

I chose option #3, even though it was the most expensive and invasive.  I really wanted to know what was going on and get it taken care of, once and for all.  Besides which, I am always looking for new and exciting ways to run up huge vet bills.  Hahahaha!

The result of the surgery was that some small pieces of fabric were removed from Piper's stomach.  Evidently, none had passed on through to block the intestines.  Biopsies were taken from the stomach and intestines.  Piper should be able to come home this evening.

I hope the next blog entry will be written by Piper herself, and not by her Chief Research Assistant.

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