Monday, 13 May 2013
Well, like Mom told you, I had to have important, majorly expensive surgery, and now I have a very sore tummy. I don't recommend that people or dogs or cats have their stomaches cut open because it hurts a whole bunch afterwards. Mom says it will stop hurting after a while, and that I will heal up and be just like new again, but I think she may be lying to me. In the meantime, she is giving me pain meds, and that is good.
At first, I didn't feel like doing anything, even eating. But Mom started putting some smelly fishy cat food in my dog food, and then I got more interested in eating it. Also I have agreed to eat my medicine in cat food, but not in the boring dog food we have.
Yesterday morning I felt good enough to start licking my incision, and I licked it a lot because it seemed like something that needed licking. After breakfast, Mom got out the Cone of Shame, and now I have to wear that stupid thing all the time, day and night. When I wear the Cone of Shame, I keep running into stuff such as doorways and stair steps, and I feel very awkward. I can't wear a Bite-Not collar because the smallest size we have here is too big for me, and Mom has never ordered a smaller size.
We don't know how many stitches I have. We think I might have staples instead of stitches. Mom would like to get a better look at my stomach, but I don't feel like rolling over to let her do that because it hurts. In a couple of weeks, I have to go back and get all those stitches pulled out.
So anyway, that is my news, and I hope you are feeling sorry for me, because I need all the sympathy I can get!
Okay, here's a little bit of kitten-news. On Saturday, two of them went to their Forever Homes. The two were Edward and Etienne, and they got adopted together. Now we just have the girls from that litter available. They are both on Petfinder, so maybe someone will decide to adopt them soon.
The other day, the kittens decided to have fun by unrolling the toilet paper. Then they tried to look innocent, like they hadn't done it, but we knew the truth about them! Now Mom has to keep putting the TP in the bathroom cabinet or else on the back of the toilet. I can't believe how complicated these kittens make Mom's life. I don't know why she keeps them around. None of us dogs would ever behave so badly!
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