Monday 18 March 2013


You'll never guess what!  MOM GOT A JOB!  I don't think she should have done this because she already has a perfectly good job taking care of all us dogs and cats, but now she is going to abandon us here alone three days a week while she goes out to do this so-called "real" job.

Mom didn't want to get a job, because she likes being retired and not working, but Mom's financial planner guy says that she is spending her investment money too fast, and that someday when she is a little old lady, her money will be gone, and she won't have enough to buy groceries with.  This is sad, but I probably won't be around by then, so I don't care too much what happens when Mom gets old.  My opinion is that Mom should just keep spending money on lots of dog food and dog treats and vet bills now, and worry about the future when it gets here.

But anyway, the place where Mom is going to work is called Soil Service Center, and it's a garden center where people go to buy flowers and fertilizer and grass seeds and trees and bushes and all sorts of stuff like that.  The main part of it is on one side of the street and the nursery part is on the other side of the street.  Mom is going to work in the nursery part, and her biggest job will be to run the cash register and take people's money.  Also there are some plants inside that have to be watered.  Mom does not have to water the plants outside because other people have that job.

Mom will work on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, starting March 28.  Then at the end of July, she won't have that job anymore because it will be the end of the busy season for gardening.  Maybe Mom will get to come home at lunchtime and let us dogs go outside.  She's not sure how long she will have for lunch, but it only takes about five minutes to drive from our house to the garden center.

Here's a picture of me with an antler
that has a rope thingy going through it.
Okay, well, here's some more exciting news, which is that Mom has started buying interesting things sometimes for me and Mel to chew on.  Like for instance, we get a Greenie now and then, which we didn't used to do while Barry was around because Barry would try to steal everybody else's Greenie.  Also, it turned out that Barry and Gabe were allergic to wheat, and Greenies have wheat in them, so that's another reason we didn't get them anymore.  Something else that Mom bought us was an antler to chew on.  I like to chew on antlers because it reminds me of my wild, distant ancestors, the wolves, who hunt elk and deer and eat them and probably also chew on their antlers.

The kittens, r.: Erica, Edward, Etienne,
Elton, and Esmé
Now I will tell you about our kittens.  On Sunday, they were two weeks old, and they keep growing and eating and pooping and peeing.  They all have their eyes open now, and their ears are open, too.  We don't know how much they can really see or hear, but when Mom goes in there and talks to them, they look up at her.  Then when she picks them up and holds them and pets them, they squeak and mew a lot.  They still don't know how to run around or jump on the furniture or anything.  I guess it will be a few more weeks before they start doing that.

Here are some pictures of the kittens:









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