Monday, 24 December 2012


At Christmastime, lots of people put little manger scenes in their houses, and these show the birth of Jesus in a stable.  You pretty much have to have at least Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in one of these scenes, but you can also have shepherds, wise men, and angels.  Also you can put in some nice animals such as sheep, cattle, camels, and a donkey.

There are lots and lots of ways to make nativity scenes, and some of the traditional ways to make them is out of things such as wood, stone, clay, or cloth.  But I found pictures of some really goofy manger scenes online, so I am going to show those to you.  I hope nobody will get mad, because I am not trying to offend anybody.

Anyway, to start with, it turns out that food makes a good nativity scene.  For instance, you can use cupcakes or eggs or (my favorite) bacon and sausages.

This one is carved out of radishes:

Photo by Michael Benanav

I'm not sure what this one is made of, but I don't think you can eat it!

Here is sort of a modern-looking nativity scene made out of blocks:

And this one is mostly made out of tampons and tampon wrappers:

Sometimes what makes a manger scene special is not what it's made of, but who is in it.

But the best manger scenes of all are the ones that have DOGS in them!

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