Wednesday 13 June 2012


Mom is like, way too busy these days, and I am not happy about the situation!  In fact, nobody in our house is happy about the situation, including Mom.  I think maybe I told you one time that Mom said 2012 would be "The Year From Hell" because so much stuff was going to happen.  Well, we have got to the hellish part, and it's going to stay pretty much this way until mid-August.  After that, we hope we can have nice, normal lives again!

Anyway, the first Big Thing that is happening is called the 14th Biennial Mid-States Cactus and Succulent Conference.  Mom is what's called the Chairperson of this important event -- which you can tell is important just because it has such a long name -- so she has to be very responsible and make sure everything is done right.  Also, there are lots and lots of questions she has to answer, and decisions she has to make.

The second Big Thing is the Oregon-California Trails Association annual convention.  Mom is not as responsible for that convention, but she is in charge of putting all the registration information for everybody into a spreadsheet thingy.  And then she has to send out confirmation letters to everybody who registered.    She spent almost all day yesterday doing that, which means she didn't have much time to help me with my blog, and this is why I am stuck just complaining about the fact that Mom is so darned busy.  I apologize to my faithful readers for this, but it is really not my fault at all.

The worst part is going to be that we dogs have to go to Pooches' Paradise to get boarded for three whole nights while the cactus conference is happening.  And during the day, we will have to play with the other dogs at doggy daycare, which I don't really like to do much, because I would rather just take a nap all day.  All of this starts on Thursday morning, June 21, which is a week from tomorrow, so it's not very far away!

But before we have to go to Pooches' Paradise, a Really Good Thing is going to happen, which is that AUNT CHERYL IS COMING TO VISIT!  She is going to drive all the way up here from Austin just because she wants to visit us dogs and maybe also the cats.  But she is mostly a dog person, so she might just ignore the cats, which is fine with me.  Oh, and she is going to the cactus conference with Mom.  So Aunt Cheryl will get here next Tuesday, and then after one day of visiting with Aunt Cheryl, we have to go to Pooches' Paradise.  But Aunt Cheryl is going to stay for a few days after the conference, so we will get to spend some time with her then.  The sad part is that Aunt Cheryl has to come here all by herself, without Hank.  But maybe I can be really nice to her and make her feel better because I know she misses him a whole lot.

So I guess that's all the big news about what's going on around here.  I wish I could write lots of long, educational blog entries, but right now I'm kind of lucky to get Mom to help me write anything at all!

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