Saturday 30 June 2012


We had to get up early this morning to say goodbye to Aunt Cheryl.  She is on her way home to Austin now, and we won't see her again until maybe next year.  Ever since the cactus conference got over with, Mom and Aunt Cheryl have been busy running around every day, going to thrift shops and garden centers and estate sales and all sorts of places.  We dogs mostly stayed home and took naps because it has been really, really hot outside, and the best thing to do in this sort of weather is to stay inside and sleep.  At least that's my opinion.

So here is some other exciting news about us.  When Mom went to pick up our foster kitties, she found out that the two kittens, Binty and Akeela, got adopted last Saturday!  A family with twin boys adopted them, because they wanted two kittens, one for each boy.  So Mom brought Latifa, the mama cat, home, and she gets to run around the house wherever she wants to go, just like our other cats.

As soon as Latifa's milk dries up, she can get spayed, and then she can get adopted.  We thought her milk was drying up okay, but then she started getting all lumpy, so Mom took her to see the vet yesterday, and now Latifa has to take Clavamox, which is an antibiotic, because she might have something called mastitis.

Meanwhile, guess what!  We got 4 new foster kittens on Thursday!  I haven't got to meet them yet because Mom is keeping them in the back room with the doors closed.  There are 3 boy kittens and 1 girl kitten.  They are all sort of a dilute tabby color, except one of the boys is a darker color.  Mom has not taken any pictures of them yet or even named them, but she has a "short list" of names that all start with "W."  The girl will probably be called Waverly, but Mom hasn't decided on the other 3 names yet.  Also, Mom needs to figure out how to tell the kittens apart.

Today Mom is going to a DivaPets adoption event at PetSmart, and they are going to have 23 kittens there to be adopted!  Frankly, I think this is way too many kittens for anybody to even think about, let alone adopt, but that is just my own opinion.  There are lots more kittens that Aunt Tania's group couldn't take in because all the foster homes are full.  And all the shelters are full, too.  So we don't know what is happening to some of those kittens that don't have anyplace to go.  We don't even like thinking about it.  We just wish more people would get their kitties spayed or neutered.

Okay, well that's mostly all the news for right now except that Mom told me I lied to you when I said she didn't take any pictures at the cactus conference.  She took exactly 3 pictures, and they were all of plants she bought there.  So now I am going to show you these pictures, but don't expect me to tell you anything about these plants because I don't know anything about them except that they do not seem like anything I want to eat!

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