Saturday 21 April 2012


Guess what!  April is National Poetry Month, and I didn't write any poetry yet to celebrate this important event!  So when I realized that fact, I got all inspired and I wrote some limericks.  The subject of my limericks is kittens.  I wrote one limerick for each of our foster kittens and also one for Jason, since he isn't a year old yet, so that means he is still a kitten.

Anyway, I hope you will like these limericks because I think they are very clever and entertaining.

There once was a kitten named Jason,
Who into the bathroom went chasin'.
He jumped on the stool
And fell into the pool,
And then out of the room he went racin'!

Jeeves was a little Manx kitty
Whose coat was all stripey and pretty.
He saw no avail
In having a tail,
Since he was so clever and witty!

There was a sweet kitten named Janey,
Who lived out-of-doors, where it's rainy.
Now she's inside instead,
And she sleeps in a bed,
And she scampers around, acting zany!

A tortoiseshell kitten named Jilly
Found herself being spooked, willy-nilly.
A low profile kept she,
As demure as could be,
But she sometimes could act rather silly!

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