Wednesday 7 March 2012


Our little Jason kitty had to spend the night in the pet hospital last night because he is sick.  Mom noticed that he was not feeling very perky on Monday night, and he wasn't even meowing at her to hurry up and give him his bedtime meal.  Mom didn't even know if he would eat it, but he did.

Then after that, we all went to bed, but Jason slept by himself in a bed in the cat room instead of coming in Mom's room and sleeping on top of her, which is what he and Chloe usually do.  Then when we all got up yesterday morning, Jason decided maybe he would just stay in bed.  But finally he did get up and he ate a little bit of breakfast.  After which, he went back to bed and slept all morning.  Even when the kittens came out to play, Jason stayed in bed because he did not feel like playing.

So in the afternoon, Mom took Jason to visit Dr. Griswold.  Mom thought probably Jason caught toxoplasmosis from the kittens because the main symptoms of that are (1) lethargy, (2) loss of appetite, and (3) fever.  It turned out that Jason had all three of these because his temperature was over 105º and the normal for a cat is about 101º or 102º.  So right away, Dr. Griswold got worried about Jason, and she thought he needed IV fluids to help make his temperature go down, and also because he was sort of dehydrated.

Anyway, in the end, Mom and Dr. Griswold decided that Mom should take Jason over to Mission MedVet, which is now called VCA Mission.  An emergency doctor there named Dr. Allen looked at Jason.  She was very nice, but we don't think she is related to us, even though she has the same last name as we have.  Also, Dr. Grigsby, the internist that Nicky went to see last week, looked at Jason.  And everyone said he was a very handsome kitty and a nice one, too, probably because he didn't try to bite them.

The doctors thought Jason should be tested for Feline Leukemia, even though he already got tested when he was a little kitten, plus he has had a vaccination for Feline Leukemia.  So they tested him, and he doesn't have it, which is good news.  Then they did a blood panel, but that didn't show anything unusual.  They are also testing for toxoplasmosis, but it will take a day or two to get the results of that test back.

So in the meantime, Jason is staying in a cage at the hospital with an IV thing in his leg so he can get fluids and antibiotics.  We hope that his temperature will cool off soon, so he can come home, because he is probably feeling lonely and scared in the hospital.  I know about these things because I have been there myself, and that is how I felt!

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