Monday 6 February 2012


Mom spent all evening hogging the computer last night, and that means I couldn't get my blog entry written.  I was so annoyed that I just had to go take a nap.  Some people were busy watching the Super Bowl last night, but we don't do that at our house because we don't like football.

Anyway, the latest news is that our little blue boy, Boris, went to his new home on Saturday.  He got adopted by a very nice family from Ft. Riley, Kansas, where there is an Army base.  So now Boris will be an Army Cat, and he will have two little boys to play with him.  Gregor got adopted a couple of weeks ago, but maybe I already told you that.

Hamlet went to PetSmart with Mom on Saturday, and he sat around looking shy and scared all day, or at least that's what Mom said.  People didn't hardly even look at him because he is a black kitty, and also because he was not showing off his lovely personality.  So Mom left him out there in a cage because Aunt Tania said that would be a good idea, and he will have to stay there for two or three weeks.  Then if he doesn't get adopted, Mom can bring him home again for a while.  We are trying not to think about our poor little Hamlet sitting out there, all lonely in a cage.

So we don't have any kittens at our house right now, except for Jason, which seems strange.  Jason misses having other kittens to play with, so he has started getting into more mischief again.  And Mom found out that some of the naughty things that she thought were being done by Hallie were really maybe done by Jason.  Oh, and did I mention that Hallie went to her new home a week ago today?

So getting back to Mom's hogging of the computer, the reason she was doing it was because she had to write a paper about the Underground Railroad in Kansas.  I thought maybe the Underground Railroad was like a subway or something, but it turns out to be a way of hiding escaped slaves and helping them get to a place where they won't have to be slaves anymore.  There was a lot of this going on right before the Civil War.

Anyway, one of the conventions that Mom is helping plan is about a lot of historical stuff, and there will be a booklet full of articles about different topics, and Mom said she would write about the Underground Railroad.  So maybe, since she already did all that nice research, I will tell you all about the subject in another blog entry, even though it doesn't have much to do with dogs, except when bloodhounds got used to help track down slaves that ran away.

Well, that's all of my update except for one more thing, which is that today is the 60th anniversary of when Queen Elizabeth II first got to be the queen.  I'm just hoping that she will give her corgis some extra-yummy treats so that they can help her celebrate!

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