Wednesday 18 January 2012


On Monday, Mom brought our new foster kitties home from the shelter.  I thought they were going to be BLUE, but they are really just gray, so I was disappointed.  Mom said that that shade of gray in a cat or dog is called "blue," and that these kittens are supposed to be Russian Blues.  Their names are Boris and Gregor, which are Russian names.  We did not get to name them because they already had names when Mom got them.

Mom calls the kittens The Blue Boys, and she says all we need now is a Pinkie.  I have no idea what she is talking about, but it has something to do with some famous paintings or something.  Anyway, these kittens do not look anything like a painting, if you ask me.  Also, they sound mean, because they hiss and growl a lot.  Well, at least Gregor does.

There were two other kittens in the same litter with Boris and Gregor, and the other two were also boys.  But they looked way different.  They looked more like Siamese cats.  Mom met them at the shelter, too, and they were scared and hissy, just like Boris and Gregor.  Probably this is because the kittens aren't socialized and they are afraid of new places and new people, which is only natural, but I have to say I don't like being hissed at and growled at all the time.

Anyway, you can tell Boris apart from Gregor because Boris has a white spot on his chest.  He has another white spot on his tummy, and there is also a teeny tiny white tip on his tail.  Gregor is all gray -- er, blue -- with no white spots.  Also Gregor is smaller than Boris, and he hisses more, like I said before.

So far, Mom has just kept the Blue Boys in the crate in the living room, except for when she took them in the back room to play for a while yesterday morning.  Last night when we were watching TV, Boris kept meowing, so I think he wanted to come out of the crate, but Mom didn't want to let him out.  She is afraid that if she lets the kittens out right now, especially Gregor, she will never find them again because they will hide under the sofa or someplace.

Okay, well, that's enough news about kittens.  I have some other news to report, which is that my last blood test showed that my cortisol levels are exactly right, and I can just stay on the same maintenance dose of that expensive chemo drug that I've been taking.  I only have to take one-fourth of a pill two times a week now, so it will last much longer, and Mom will not run out of money so fast.

Oh, and Nicky got his blood test results back, too, and all his liver values were normal instead of being really high.  So Dr. Griswold sent the results to Dr. Grigsby, the internist, and we are waiting to see what she wants to do next.  Because we still think Nicky has something wrong in his intestines, which means he will probably have to have an endoscopy.  And that won't be cheap, so I hope Mom still has money left over afterwards to buy dog food!

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