Wednesday 4 January 2012


Well, I was going to write a blog entry about some deep and important topic, of which I have a few in mind.  But Mom, my Chief Research Assistant, was way too busy to help with the in-depth research.  Also, she was hogging the computer because she was writing something called the "President's Page" for the cactus club's newsletter.  Mom is the president of the club, and that is why she has to write this thing every month.  Mostly, she just rambles on without saying anything very interesting, but sometimes she really does say something important.  Of course, it's never as good as what I'd like to be writing in my blog, if Mom weren't hogging the computer.

Anyway, I had to come up with something easy and fast to write about, so that is why you are getting to read some more things from Mom's collection of silly stuff people say and write.  And tomorrow I hope I can write a really meaningful and good entry.

We are cogs on the road of life.

It's like I'm Joan of Arc, carrying a torch for the whole game.

I'll have to cross that bridge when it gets here.

They've gone too far into the precipice.

We need to clear up some ruffled feathers.

They're beating down my doorstep.

Tell me on what planet on earth this is done.

He passed away due to a raptured appendix.

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