Tuesday 27 December 2011


I got a super-cool Christmas present, and do you know what it was?  Mom told me that she is going to adopt me!  But only if I want her to.  Well, duh.  Of course, I want her to!  What have I been working for all these weeks, with my seductive purring and alluring displays of charm?

So it's all decided, and Mom just has to do the paperwork.  Aunt Tania said Mom would not even have to pay an adoption fee for me, which Mom was happy about, but it makes me feel a little cheap.  Still, it's a huge load off my shoulders not to have to think about going to that scary PetsMart place again.  Nope, I can just stay here at home, where I belong, with my big brother Charlie and my big sister Chloe, and all the crazy dogs.  Oh, and Mom.  She's the best mom ever, and I really mean that, even if she's not going to pay an adoption fee for me.

The first thing Mom said she would do is change my name to Jason.  Okay, that's actually the same name, but she said it's a more sensible way to spell it.  Also she told me I would have to go to Dr. Patricia's office and introduce myself to everybody there and get a microchip.  Chloe says it hurts to get a microchip, and she knows this because she had to get one after that time when she went walkabout.  So I am not looking forward to that, but I guess it will be worth it to get to stay here with Mom.

The three little kittens got spayed and neutered this past Thursday, so now it's their turn to try to get adopted.  And Mom says she will absolutely not adopt any more cats, so I just got in under the wire!  Mom is going to send photos and bios of the kittens to someone named Harriet, so that she can put them on Petfinder.  Then on Saturday, Mom will take the kittens to PetsMart so that everybody can see how adorable they are and adopt them.  Well, I say, "Good luck with that!"

But Aunt Tania says our kittens will be the smallest ones there, and people really like to adopt little kittens. Also lots of cats usually get adopted during January.  So we are hoping that our kittens really will find homes very soon.  I will miss having them around to play with, but Mom says there might be more foster kittens here someday that I can play with.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying life in my forever home.  Mom treats me like one of the big cats, so I get to eat with Charlie and Chloe.  At first, I just ate out of whichever of their dishes I wanted to eat out of, but lately Charlie has been getting some special blue pills because he kept puking last week.  So now I am using my little yellow dish, and Mom supervises us to make sure Charlie eats all his food because it has his medicine in it.  And while we are eating, Barry stands out in the hall and whines because he is hungry, and he wants Mom to hurry up and feed the dogs.

At night, I usually sleep with Mom in her bed, but sometimes I sleep with Chloe or with Charlie.  They are pretty good about letting me snuggle with them, and one time Mom found us all three sleeping together in the same bed.  I like doing this because it feels nice and cozy and warm, like sleeping with my littermates.  Except I can't remember for sure if I had any littermates, but I think I probably did.  Mom told me that somebody found me as a stray and took me to Animal Control.  I don't know much about what happened to me before that, but I think my mama and my littermates must have got lost somehow.  Anyway, I hope they all found nice humans to live with, like I did.

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