Saturday 12 November 2011


Hooray!  It's my very special day, so I'm expecting a whole bunch of extra attention and pampering!

I couldn't think of any birthday-related topics to write about, so I guess maybe I will just write about ME!  You are probably wondering how I am doing with my Cushing's Disease, and I will tell you:  I'm doing fine!  On Tuesday I had to get another blood test, so that meant I stayed at Dr. Griswald's office most of the day, and I didn't get any breakfast before I went there, so it was not a fun time.

Anyway, what we found out from the blood test was that my cortisol levels are getting higher again, but right now I'm still in the Addisonian range, instead of being Cushingoid like I was before.  Don't you like that word, Cushingoid?  I think it looks really funny and sounds even funnier.  So for now I have to keep taking my little dose of prednisone every day, and Mom is supposed to watch for any symptoms like I had before from the Cushing's.  Which would be things like my hair getting thin, and not being able to jump on the bed, and wanting to drink water all the time.  And when Mom sees anything like this, she is supposed to let Dr. Griswald know right away, so I can start to take those really expensive pills again.  But this time I will just take them in small doses to keep me "normal."

At least I think that's how it's all supposed to happen, but it's complicated, so I will just let Mom worry about it.

Okay, let's see.  What else can I tell you?  I guess I can say that a whole bunch of leaves fell off the trees, and now Mom has to rake them up.  She started doing this yesterday, and she already has five bags full, but that is only the beginning.  By the time Mom gets rid of all the leaves, she usually has filled up 40 bags or so.  I like the leaves, and I especially like peeing in them.  Also I like to lie in the sun on a nice fall day, which we have had several of lately.

Nicky also likes to lie out in the sun in the yard.  But sometimes he decides to dig holes instead of just lying in the sun.  Of course, Mom doesn't like this very much.  I think she is just lucky that the rest of us dogs don't do much digging.  All we do is chew up dog beds and swallow the pieces!

Well, that's about all I have to say today, which I know will surprise you.  But in honor of my birthday, I will share a couple of nice quotes, and here they are:

Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog.  
--Charles F. Duran

If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either.   

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