Friday 14 October 2011


At our house, we all like to sleep.  Even Mom likes to sleep.  Every night we sleep all night long, unless there is a thunderstorm that wakes some of us up because we are scared.  Mom mostly stays awake all day, which we dogs and cats know is a silly thing to do because she could be sleeping, like we are.  But some days Mom takes a nap, and she asks us if we want to help her do this, which we always do.  Well, except for Jacen, who sometimes wants to play instead of sleep.

It turns out that a lot of different animals like to sleep either more time or less time than dogs and cats do.  I found this really interesting list of how many hours of sleep various animals need every day, and I hope you will like reading it.

Brown Bat -- 19.9 hours

Giant Armadillo -- 18.1 hours

Python -- 18 hours

Possum -- 18 hours

Owl Monkey -- 17 hours

Human Infant -- 16 hours

Tiger --15.8 hours

Tree Shrew -- 15.8 hours
Squirrel -- 14.9 hours

Western Toad -- 14.6

Ferret -- 14.5 hours

Three-toed Sloth -- 14.4 hours

Golden Hamster -- 14.3 hours

Lion -- 13.5 hours

Gerbil -- 13.1 hours

Rat -- 12.6 hours

Cat -- 12.1 hours

Cheetah -- 12.1 hours

Mouse -- 12.1 hours

Rabbit -- 11.4 hours

Jaguar -- 10.8 hours

Duck -- 10.8 hours

Dog -- 10.6 hours
Bottle-nosed Dolphin -- 10.4 hours

Baboon -- 10.3 hours

Chimpanzee -- 9.7 hours

Guinea Pig -- 9.4 hours

Adult Human -- 8 hours

Pig -- 7.8 hours

Guppy Fish -- 7 hours

Gray Seal -- 6.2 hours

Elderly Human -- 5.5 hours

Goat -- 5.3 hours
Cow -- 3.9 hours

Asiatic Elephant -- 3.9 hours

Sheep -- 3.8 hours
African Elephant -- 3.3 hours

Donkey -- 3.1 hours

Horse -- 2.9 hours

Giraffe -- 1.9 hours

Personally, I think that giraffes don't sleep much because they probably get a crick in their necks when they do.  At least I don't think that I would want to sleep in such a weird position!

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