Thursday 1 September 2011

"I AM CARSON," as told to Piper

I asked my little kitten foster brother, Carson, if he would like to write in my blog, and he said, "What is a blog?" and "How do you 'write'?"  So I said he could just tell me anything he wanted to, and I would write it in my blog for him.

But before I start, I will just mention that Carson weighed 11.5 ounces on Monday, which means he is getting bigger and fatter all the time.  Today Mom took him to the shelter again, and while they were gone, guess what happened!  Somebody PEED ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER where Carson's carrier usually is!

I did not see who did the peeing, but I can tell who it was just by smelling the pee.  Mom, who has only an inferior human nose, had to guess who did the peeing, and she guessed that it was Chloe because Chloe is the kind of cat who would do something naughty like that.  We think that Chloe (or Charlie) peed on the counter to show their unhappiness about having another cat in the house, even if it is only a tiny little one like Carson.  Dogs would never act in this silly way, of course, so I guess it is just a cat thing.

Okay, well, that is enough of that, so I will get on with Carson's blog entry.  Here it is:

I am Carson.  I am a little kitten.
I don't know much yet because I am so little.
I had a mama, but then I couldn't find her.
I cried and cried.  I crawled around.  I was dirty and hungry.
But I couldn't find my mama.
A man came and found me.
It was the first human I ever met.
I was scared, so I cried and cried.
The man was really big, but he was nice.
He fed me milk.
It was not my mama's milk, but I was hungry, so I ate it.
The man cleaned me up.
My mama used to clean me up, but she got lost.
The man took me somewhere and left me.
There were lots of humans there.

A woman took me home with her.
She feeds me milk from a bottle, like the man did.
It is not my mama's milk, but I drink it.
She says she is my mom now.
I pee and poop.  I sleep.  I drink more milk.

Mom put food in a dish for me.  I put my foot in it.
Then I put my other foot in it.
Mom put my mouth in the food.
The food went in my nose.  I sneezed.
I licked some food off my nose.
I like the bottle better.

I have teeth and claws.
I know how to use them.

I was on the patio.
Something came and sniffed at me.

Mom put me on top of it.  She took my picture.

I have a bed.  It is big and soft and warm.
I like to sleep.
That's all.


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