Thursday 22 September 2011


We found another possum in our yard, like, right on our patio!  And this happened Saturday night.  Or maybe Sunday.  I can't remember which.  Anyway, Nicky found this possum, and it was hiding behind some plants.  It wasn't climbing the tree, like the one Mel found before.  So Mom came out to see what Nicky was so excited about, and at first all Mom could see was the tail, so she didn't know if it was a rat or a possum.  But she stamped her foot, and the tail didn't run away, so she figured it was not a rat.  Then she went and got her camera and took a couple of pictures.  This possum was much smaller than the last one, so we think it was just a baby one.  None of us got to eat it, which is kind of sad, since I'll bet it was nice and tender and juicy.

We are getting a new lawn!  A man came and sprayed our whole front yard, and that made all the grass die, plus also the violets, which was the main thing we wanted to get rid of.  Then that man and another man came and used a machine called a tiller, and it chewed up all the dead grass and dirt.  After that, they planted a bunch of grass seeds.  Now Mom has to water the yard every day so that the grass seeds will grow.

Mom bought us a new bedspread, and she got it at a thrift shop for only $9.99.  In the picture, you can see how cute Jacen and I look sitting on the new bedspread.  The old bedspread had a bunch of places where dogs had chewed holes and eaten the corners off of it.  Mom says she does not know how these things happen.  I know, but I am not telling.  Anyway, we have had the new bedspread for almost a week now, and no one has chewed on it yet.  Mom didn't want to spend a lot of money on a new bedspread, for some reason, so that's why she got one at the thrift store.  It's a very nice bedspread, except that it has funny puckers in a couple of places, but we don't care about that.

Here is a picture of the tile that Mom and Nicky painted.  It's pretty ugly, if you ask me, and Mom will say the same thing, if you ask her.

Mom bought two pieces of artwork at Art Unleashed, and here are some pictures of them.  The first piece is about 6"x6" and it's painted on a board.  It says "What would Johnny Cash do?"  Mom thinks this is funny, so that's why she bought it.  Also she likes the dog in the painting, and I do, too, even though the dog is not a basenji.

This other painting is of two dalmatians in front of a fireplace.  Mom said she likes the colors in the fireplace, which are all mostly brown.  What I like is the dalmatians, but I think their heads are shaped kind of funny.

Charlie started puking again, so he had to go see Dr. Patricia.  She said he probably has either (1) inflammatory bowel disease, (2) pancreatitis, or (3) intestinal cancer.  Most likely, it is IBD, which is the same thing Gabe had.  Mom had two cats in the past with this same thing, and she is tired of dealing with it, but it's better than cancer.  Anyway, Charlie has to take a bunch of pills, like prednisolone, metronidazole, and Pepcid.  Also he has to get probiotics in his food.

My last test of my adrenal gland said that my cortisol is still low, which makes me have something more like Addison's Disease instead of Cushing's Disease.  Anyway, we are trying to get the cortisol back to the normal place, but guess what!  I can now jump on the bed again, which I couldn't do for a while, and I have more energy.  Also my hair is growing back, and I don't look so bald anymore!

So that's all the latest news, and now you are totally up to date!

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