Thursday 18 August 2011


I was going to write about some important, educational topic today, but then I decided to write about my kitten foster brother instead, because that is the topic I think is most interesting right now, and it's my blog, so I can write about anything I want!

Actually, I'm not sure why I think Carson the kitten is interesting, because he really doesn't do much.  Here are the only things he likes to do:
1.  Sleep
2.  Eat
3.  Poop
4.  Pee
5.  Meow in a high-pitched, annoying way
6.  Crawl around looking goofy because he can't really walk yet

Mom says that this is all Carson can do right now because he is so young.  She said I was once a tiny puppy, and that's all I did, too, but I don't remember that, so I think Mom is just making it up.

Anyway, yesterday Mom set up our biggest crate so that Carson would have a place to learn how to walk and do other kitten things.  She put newspapers in it and a blanket and a box with more blankets to help keep Carson warm when he's sleeping.  And also Mom put duct tape all around the bottom of the crate because she was afraid Carson might get his head stuck in there and break his neck or something.

Then after that, she put Carson in the crate.  Barry and I were really, really interested in Carson, and we sniffed him through the sides of the crate.  Barry kept woofing and lunging at Carson and sticking his foot in there and trying to grab Carson and eat him.

So I was forced to growl at Barry and warn him to keep away from MY kitten, because I don't want Barry to eat Carson.  Here's a picture of me growling at Barry, and he backed off because I sounded so fierce.

I would like to play with Carson, and I did a play bow and everything, but Carson just ignored me, which sort of hurt my feelings.  At first he took a nap in the big crate, but then he woke up and crawled out of his bed and started doing his funny, creeping walk thing all around in the crate.

And after a while, he even stuck his little bitty feet out of the crate, and I licked them, but there are very sharp claw thingies on the ends of his feet!  Then Carson started trying to climb up the inside of the crate, which Mom said was surprising that he could even do right now since he's so young.

Barry kept trying to get at Carson, and Mom was holding him back because she did not want Barry to bite Carson's foot off.  Then finally, Mom put a muzzle on Barry, which Barry didn't like, but at least she didn't have to worry about Carson getting hurt.

Well, unless I decide to bite his foot off myself.  Mom is hoping that that idea has not come into my mind, but it makes her nervous not knowing exactly what I'm thinking or planning.  Ha!  And I am not going to tell her, either, because I like to keep her in the dark.

Okay, that's pretty much all I have to say about Carson right now, but Mom wanted me to tell everybody that the white hair is all falling off my cute little muzzle because of my Cushing's Disease, and now I look even stranger than I did before.  Someday maybe my hair will grow back, but right now it's mostly just falling out.  I feel like a little old man who is going bald!

People keep asking Mom how I am doing, and the answer is that I am pretty much the same because we are just trying to get my cortisol level back up again, but not as high as it was before I took those really expensive pills.  So I am just taking one-half prednisone pill every day, and I have to do that for two months.  Then after that, we have to do the $280 test again to see where my cortisol level is.  It's kind of a slow and annoying process, but there's nothing we can do about it.  And at least now I have my kitten to keep my mind off my problems!

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