Tuesday 21 June 2011

ODE TO SUMMER, by Piper the Poet

In summertime, the sun shines fiercely down
And makes me wear a little doggy frown,
Because the heat is way too hot for me
And I must stay inside, near the a/c.

In summertime, it’s hard to keep your cool
Unless you get into the wading pool
And get all wet, but I would not do that!
I’d end up looking like a big, drowned rat!

In summertime, the days get really long,
And all the birds sing silly, chirpy songs.
If only I could catch one I would sup
On it, and then it would at last shut up!

In summertime, cicadas come around!
They crawl out from their holes deep in the ground.
I eat a bunch, and then I eat some more,
Because that’s what cicadas are made for!

In summertime, we have big storms at night.
My brother doggies pant and drool in fright.
But thunderstorms and lightning don’t scare me,
Because I’m just as brave as I can be!

So summertime is here, starting today,
And then, no matter what, it’s sure to stay
Till autumn comes and fills the whole wide world
With dead leaves, acorns, and a lot of squirrels! 

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