Thursday, 10 March 2011

Funny Things People Say

Mom has this little notebook, and she writes stuff in it that she thinks is funny, like weird or goofy names that some people have.  And also she writes down things people say that come out sounding funny.  Sometimes this happens when people are using an old saying, but they say it wrong or mix it up with another saying.  And other times people use one word when they really should have used a different word.

So anyway, today I am going to tell you a few of these funny things from Mom's notebook.  And I found some pictures to go with them, so that should make them more interesting.

Everyone is ignoring the herring in the room.

He had a hard road to hoe.

When they start giving me numbers and medical talk, my eyes gloss over.

Friends are blossoms in the flowers of life.

The oldest dog was pulling up the rear.

We need to stench the flow of oil.

I had tears rolling down my eyes.

The signs turned up missing.

They have Congress looking down their necks.

We're treading on serious ground.

We lost a cat in Heaven.  His name was Sam.

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